Many people are using social media but have no idea why they are doing it, said Terri Morrin of integritive, inc. at last week’s Brown Bag Lunch and Learn session on online marketing which included presentations by Jen Vandewetering of WordJack Media and Justin Belleme of JB Media Group .
“First – forget all the tools – you need a strategy,” Terri said.
Social media should be an extension of company strategies and should drive an already established objective. “You wouldn’t put up a billboard without some sort of tie back to a company objective,” Terri said. “Think about how Facebook, Twitter, etc. can help you with your corporate strategy.”
The panel posed the suggestion that only 25 percent of your social media content should be promotional. And the other 75 percent?
Additional resources on developing a social media strategy:
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The next Lunch & Learn session will be on Networking Strategies, Dec. 5th. Free, please RSVP