In the final edition of NC Influencer, Kit Cramer shares thoughts with soon-to-be leaders

November 7, 2018

In an effort to elevate policy discussions and make sure candidates focus on the most important issues, the Charlotte Observer, The News & Observer, and the Durham Herald-Sun assembled a panel of 60 influential North Carolinians in advocacy, business, education and government to answer bi-weekly questions.

Our Chamber President Kit Cramer was selected and, of course, jumped at the opportunity to amplify the business voice of WNC and the greater state. For the past several months, she has answered questions on the economy, political polarization, and healthcare–and will continue to speak about issues alongside NC’s finest and most prominent leaders.

Kit has discussed everything from Transportation and Infrastructure to the Balance of Power in North Carolina. In her final responses, she shared thoughts with North Carolina’s soon-to-be-leaders.

In a few days North Carolina will have new and returning state legislators. What advice would you offer them?

New and returning legislators, please get to know your colleagues and work across the aisle. After all, you may have gotten more votes from one political party, but now that you’re elected you represent everyone in your area.

What advice would you offer Gov. Roy Cooper as the new legislature takes shape?

Governor Cooper, I urge you to reach out to leaders in both parties to help NC make progress on critical issues this year.

What advice would you offer NC leaders who’ll be returning to Congress or headed to the US House for the first time? What issues would you like to see them focus on?

New congressmen, the American public is tired of all the partisan rhetoric. Please be statesmanlike and develop fruitful relationships with your colleagues. And most importantly, get important stuff done, like taking measures to prepare a better workforce, to strengthen our nation’s transportation infrastructure, and to make us more globally competitive.