NC State University to host “Innovation Reconstructed” forum – Feb. 9-10, 2015

October 14, 2014
Save the Date!

Innovation Reconstructed

30th Annual Emerging Issues Forum

February 9-10, 2015

Raleigh Convention Center

Registration opens November 3, 2014.
An invitation from North Carolina State University:

Then: Three decades ago, the first Emerging Issues Forum focused North Carolina’s attention on the challenge of innovating in a rapidly globalizing economy.

Now: For our celebratory 30th Annual Forum, our theme again is innovation – the ticket to prosperity in an era of global connections, transformative technology and constant change.

We know new opportunities will open for our state’s companies and communities, in rural and urban areas, if we reconstruct core elements of our innovation infrastructure to take advantage of global forces. In making such changes, we face big choices about every pillar of innovation in the state.

Join leaders and learners from every North Carolina sector, region and point of view, plus visionary state, national and global innovation experts, to explore the critical question:

How will our companies and communities innovate to compete in a future of accelerating everything?